The traditional meeting of Slovenians from abroad was held in Radovljica on Saturday, 6 July.

The event was sponsored by the Slovenian Government Office for Slovenians Abroad, organized by the Slovenian Emigrant Association, the World Slovenian Congress, Slovenia in the World and the Rafael Society. They have prepared performances of various music, folklore and singing groups, exhibitions, meetings of young researchers, presentations of award-winning master's and master's theses, football match ...

Members of the Association of Slovenians Triglav always visit the Welcome Home event. They presented their newsletters and bilingual books on a stand at City Park and invited visitors to solve a quiz What do you know about Slovenia? Many passers-by showed their knowledge, had an apple cake and talked to the students of supply teaching lessons of Slovenian from Slatina, who organized the quiz. The cultural program began with the address of Karla Urh, Mayor of Radovljica, Ciril Globocnik and Vice-President of the National Assembly Commission for Relations with Slovenians Abroad. Minister for Slovenians worldwide, Peter Jozef Česnik, also welcomed the gathering and stressed that he had been an expatriate for more than three decades. On behalf of the President of the Republic, Borut Pahor, the speech was given by Academician Boštjan Žeks, who was himself Minister for Slovenians Abroad. The first to perform were young people from Argentina, followed by Slovenians from Sweden and other European countries. The youngest were performers from Banja Luka and Slatina. Members of the folklore group of the Association of Slovenians Triglav danced, and students of supply teaching lessons of Slovenian presented the work of the Association and their thoughts on the homeland. Since the Association is called Triglav and because they performed among the mountains, the performance ended with the song Na planincah.

Such events certainly contribute to the preservation of the Slovenian language and culture among Slovenians around the world and an awareness of their roots, and above all, it is important that there is sufficient time to socialize and exchange experiences. Each year, the meetings are in a different place, which is why they are an opportunity to get acquainted with Slovenian places and customs. Since we were in Gorenjska this year, we visited Bled on Sunday - the first stop was a patisserie, since the “kremšnite” are an obligatory part of the visit to Bled.