Students who attend additional classes of the Slovenian language each year participate in exchanges with students of Slovenian schools. This year they went to Koper.

On Tuesday, April 23rd, a bus full of children, youth and adults stopped in front of the Elementary School of Koper. They were welcomed by Mojca Jelen Madruša, the project leader for Challenges of Intercultural Coexistence, who, together with her colleagues from the Secondary Technical School and the Central Economics and Business School, prepared a program of our students' visits. The school's principal Anton Baloh and the principal of Secondary Technical School Iztok Drozdin greeted us in the school hall. The students of the primary school Kopar presented themselves with a short cultural program, and after that our students learned what they were most interested in - where they would be staying. The pupils went with their peers home and spent the afternoon and evening with the activities that young people do in their free time. The next day they were together in the classes, and then walked along the sea towards Izola. They had social evening at the Central Technical School in Koper.

On the last day of the visit, on Thursday, April 25, the elementary school pupils had a literary quiz, and after that they visited Pretor's Palace. At the Srečko Vilhar Library Koper, at the Young Readers Department, they took part in a workshop From Cuneiform to Alphabet. Everyone got a piece of clay and carved his/her name in cuneiform - the oldest syllabic alphabet. High school students visited the headquarters of the University of Primorska, where they were presented the possibilities of studies and the Provincial Museum. Nice things always pass quickly. And the connections remain, and the pupils and students from Koper will be our guests in Banja Luka.