Bosnia and Herzegovina
Republic of Srpska

STATUTE of the

BANJA LUKA, January 2007
Pursuant to Article 16 of the Law on Associations and Foundations of the Republic of Srpska (Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska, issue No. 52/01) and Article 21 of the Statute of the Association of the Slovenians of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka, the Assembly of the Association of the Slovenians of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka, at the session held on 24th January, 2007 passed the


Article 1
Association of the Slovenians of the Republic of Srpska “Triglav” (hereinafter: the Association) is a non-party, open and voluntary association of citizens where citizens of Slovenian origin and others organise under the conditions prescribed by the Statute, for the purpose of accomplishing personal and common interests and expressing their national rights, cultural, humanitarian and other needs and interests in accordance with the applicable regulations of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Republic of Srpska and this Statute.
The Association will establish direct cooperation with relevant state and other interested bodies and organisations of the Republic of Srpska – Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Slovenia.
Article 2
The Association may join a relevant international association based on the decision by the Executive Board which is to be subjected to the approval of the Assembly of the Association.
Joining the international association will be registered with the relevant court.
Article 3

The Association has the status of a legal entity.

Article 4
The name in Slovenian is as follows: DRUŠTVO SLOVENCEV REPUBLIKE SRBSKE „TRIGLAV“, Banja Luka.
Article 5

The seat of the Association is in Banja Luka, at 22, Cara Lazara St.

Article 6
The Association will function in the territory of the Republic of Srpska – Bosnia and Herzegovina, in line with the applicable regulations.
 Article 7
The Association will have its own stamp with Slovenian name written in Latin and Serbian name in Cyrillic script, and it will be safeguarded by the president of the Association or a person authorised by him/her.
Article 8
The Association may carry out economic activities directly linked with accomplishing its basic goals and activities mentioned in the Statute (related economic activities) and do it directly, without an obligation to establish a legal entity.
The Association may carry out economic activities directly which are not directly linked with accomplishing its basic goals and activities mentioned in the Statute (unrelated economic activities) and do so via specially established legal entity.
The decision to establish the legal entity referred to in previous paragraph of the Article will be passed by the Executive Board of the Association, while the Assembly of the Association will be informed thereof at the first following session.
Acquiring gain (economic activity) referred to in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article may be only a basis to acquire resources necessary for unhindered work of the Association, but it may not be a goal of the Association’s work per se.

Article 9
Resources for the accomplishment of the Association’s goals will be provided as follows:
(a)    Financing from the budget of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia;
(b)    Membership fees;
(c)    Contribution by physical and legal entities;
(d)    Carrying out economic activities in line with Article 8 of the Statute and other laws and regulations;
(e)    Other resources in line with the law.
Article 10
The Association is free to dispose of its funds.
Records will be kept on the funds of the Association in line with the law.
Funds of the Association will be exclusively used for the accomplishment of the Association’s goals.
Article 11
Member of the Association may be any person who has declared to be a Slovenian, or a descendant of a Slovenian, who, by filling out an admission document declares that he/she accepts the Statute, Programme and commitments of the Association.
Under the same conditions, members of the Association may be close family members (spouse and children) of the members of the Association referred to in previous Paragraph.
Slovenian origin may be proved by a relevant document (birth certificate, baptismal certificate or other) and/or a statement of the future member given under financial and criminal liability.
On the basis of the decision made by the Executive Board of the Association, members of the Association may be those who do not meet the requirements referred to in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, but who through their public work, activities and commitments express support to the Association’s programme thus encouraging affirmation of Slovenian entity in the Republic of Srpska – Bosnia and Herzegovina, and who by filling out the admission document declare they accept the Statute, Programme and commitments of the Association.
The Executive Board may set a period in the duration of no longer than 2 (two) years during which the people referred to in previous Paragraph will have the capacity of a candidate of a full member of the Association.
Obligation of any member of the Association is to pay membership fee in the amount as set by the decision made by the Executive Board of the Association.
Article 12
Members of the Association will take part in the work of the Association, give proposals, submit initiatives, take part in the work of the Association’s bodies, have the right to elect and be elected to the Association’s bodies.
Any member of the Association has the right to be informed of the work of the Association and any other activity.
Article 13
A member of the Association will no longer have the capacity due to leaving the Association, failing to pay the membership fee, the termination of the Association’s work, as well as due to other reasons, whereof the decision will be made by the Executive Board.
Article 14
Association’s bodies are:
(a)    Assembly of the Association;
(b)    Executive Board;
(c)    Supervisory Board.
Article 15
In addition to standing bodies, the Executive Board may, if required, establish boards, commissions and other bodies, which will be entrusted with implementation of certain tasks.
Article 16
The Assembly is the top body of the Association, consisting of all adult members of the Association.
Article 17
The Assembly may start working if members have been informed of the session via one of daily newspapers published in Banja Luka and electronic media whose signal covers at least the territory of the City of Banja Luka, and if there are at least three times more members than in the Executive Board.
It is considered that a member of the Association is present when his/her representative, who is also a member and has duly signed authorisation in the form issued by the Executive Board.
A member of the Association cannot represent more than five other members.
Article 18
The Assembly will convene when required, at least once every three years.
Extraordinary session of the Assembly must be convened at the proposal of the Executive Board or at least 30 (thirty) members of the Association.
Election Assembly will convene every three years.
Article 19
The Assembly will decide on all issues relevant to the interest of the Association’s work and it will particularly:
•    Pass the Statute and Programme of the Association;
•    Elect the president and vice-president of the Association,
•    Elect the chairman of the Assembly;
•    Elect members of the Executive Board of the Association;
•    Elect president and members of the Supervisory Board of the Association;
•    Adopt programmes, plans and reports of the Executive Board on overall activities;
•    Review reports on incomes and expenditures of the Association, adopt the budget and final financial statement of the Association;
•    Decide on amendments to the Statute upon the proposal of the Executive Board or at least 30 members of the Association;
•    Decide on joining or merging the Association with other associations;
•    Decide on the termination of the Association’s work;
•    Decide on the final instance on the basis of appeals against individual decision of the Executive Board;
•    Decide on all other issues reported to the Assembly.
Members of all bodies will be elected for the period of three years with the possibility of being re-elected.
All decisions will be made by acclamation, and elections will be carried out by a public vote.
Proposal of candidates for president and vice-president of the Association, chairman of the Assembly, members of the Executive Board, and president and members of the Supervisory Board will be submitted by the Executive Board following consultations.
Any present member may under the same conditions submit an additional proposal.
Article 20
The Executive Board will consist of the following eleven members: president and vice-president of the Association by function, and nine elected members.
President of the Association is also president of the Executive Board.
The Executive Board will elect its secretary and cashier who will not be members of the Executive Board, and their mandate will relate to the mandate of members of the Executive Board.
Upon the proposal of the president of the Association, a member of the Executive Board may be dismissed prior to the expiry of the mandate if he/she has not attended meetings for a longer period of time or failed to execute obligations undertaken, and his/her place will be taken by another member elected by the Executive Board until the expiry of the mandate.
Decision referred to in previous Paragraph will be passed by the Executive Board by two-thirds majority.
Article 21
The Executive Board will meet at least once a month.
The session of the Executive Board will be attended by the secretary, and record will be kept and signed by the president and record-taker.
The Executive Board may pass decisions when there are more than half of its members present, and the decisions will be passed by a majority of present votes unless otherwise defined under this Statute.
Sessions of the Executive Board may be attended by members of the Supervisory Board and other boards of the Association but without the right to vote.
Article 22
The Executive Board of the Association will carry out all activities directed towards the implementation of goals and tasks of the Association and particularly:
•    Execute and implement conclusions and decisions of the Assembly;
•    Submit proposals of decisions to the Assembly;
•    Issue Association’s Programme and Plan, proposals on Association’s incomes and expenditures, budget and final financial statement of the Association, to be submitted to the Assembly for adoption;
•    Accept programme and financial reports of the boards;
•    Independently issue decisions on aid to neglected people whereof it will inform the Assembly;
•    Give proposals for membership in the Association and issue individual decisions at the first instance;
•    Carry out any other activities falling under regular activities of the Association.
Article 23
The Supervisory Board will consist of three members one of whom is the president and none of them can be a member of other boards.
Article 24
The Supervisory Board will have the right, duty and obligation to check the regularity of the implementation of legal regulations, provisions of the Statute and other documents of the Association, the goals and tasks of the Association and rights and duties of members of the Association, review material and financial dealings and regularity of financial documents. The Supervisory Board will be obliged to warn the body, or people, who made some mistakes and irregularities in their work and request that they be eliminated, and in doing so they will provide appropriate assistance in their elimination. Should the irregularities not be eliminated within a certain deadline, the Supervisory Board will be obliged to inform in writing the Executive Board thereof. The Supervisory Board will submit the report on its work to the Assembly.
Article 25
There are five boards operating within the Association:
(a)    Cultural Activities Board;
(b)    Education and Sport Board;
(c)    Humanitarian and Social Affairs Board;
(d)    General and Legal Affairs Board;
(e)    Public Relations and Marketing Board.
Each Board will consist of president and two members.
Members of the Boards will be elected and dismissed by the Executive Board upon the proposal of the Board president.
The Boards will be obliged to submit report on their work once a year or upon the request of the Executive Board.
Article 26
President of the Association will act on behalf of and represent the Association in all relations with third, physical and legal entities, and other bodies, organisations and institutions with prior consent of the Executive Board.
Article 27
President of the Association will convene the Executive Board, manage sessions of the Executive Board, take part in the work and propose decisions to the Executive Board. President of the Association will sign all documents and letters issued in the course of the work of the Executive Board.
In case of president’s inability or at his/her authorisation he/she will be replaced by vice-president of the Association.
The Executive Board may issue a special authorisation to a third person to act on behalf of the Association before courts and other bodies.
Article 28
The Association is a non-party, open, free and voluntary association of citizens established for the purpose of accomplishing personal and common interests of members of the Association whose goals are the following:
•    Protection of status rights of Slovenians in the Republic of Srpska as citizens of the Republic of Srpska – Bosnia and Herzegovina who are of Slovenian origin;
•    Creation of conditions to accomplish cultural needs and interests of members of the Association, studying and nourishing history, language, literature, art, tradition and customs of the Slovenian people;
•    Creation of conditions to accomplish all humanitarian needs and interests of members of the Association and their family members;
•    The Association will collect humanitarian voluntary contributions from physical and legal entities, institutions, state bodies and organisations from the Republic of Srpska and abroad, including money, food, clothes, medicines, construction material and all other things which may be used as humanitarian aid in its substance and in accordance with applicable legal regulations;
•    Within the limits of its possibilities, the Association will supply and distribute the collected funds – humanitarian aid to members of the Association and their family members as well as other citizens regardless of their ethnic, religious and political affiliation, who are in distress due to war activities, natural and other disasters;
•    The Association will help the sick, disabled people and handicapped people, supply them with medicines, sanitary material and orthopaedic devices, which it collected as humanitarian aid.
•    The Association will organise humanitarian events and gatherings, and the income gained in such a way will then be allocated for humanitarian purposes;
•    Creation of conditions to meet social needs and interests of members of the Association, strengthening of social status of all members of the Association alleviating and eliminating consequences caused by war, providing assistance in healing injured members of the Association and their family members, providing assistance in education and all other types and forms of social aid to members of the Association and their family members;
•    Creation of conditions for the accomplishment of economic needs and interests of members of the Association, carrying out economic activities and services in line with the law;
•    Creation of conditions for the accomplishment of professional needs and interests of members of the Association, professional linking of businessmen, mutual assistance in capital assets and preliminary solutions for the purpose of improving work and production;
•    Creation of conditions and carrying out propaganda and publishing activities in line with the law, for the purpose of the Association to become popular and recognised;
The Association will implement its programme goals via Boards, as well as by establishing sport, cultural and other sections within the Association.
Article 29
The Statute will enter into force on the day of its adoption.
Article 30
On the day of passing the Statute the name of the Association will change and former collective members of the Association will lose their capacity.
Individual members who had the capacity on the basis of membership in the collective member will remain members of the Association only if they fill out an admission form within 6 (six) months of the day the Statute entered into force.
Article 31
The Association will terminate its work in the manner prescribed under the law.
Following the termination of the work of the Association an inventory list of property will be made, all obligations settled and remaining property will be allocated to humanitarian purposes under the decision of the Executive Board.
Article 32
Passing of this Statute will annul the Statute passed on 29 November 2003.

In Banja Luka, 24th January, 2007                                       Chairman of the Assembly of the Association