The 1st Camp of Slovenian children in BiH was organised under the auspices of the Union of Slovenian Associations in Bosnia and Herzegovina „Europe Now“. The project funded by the Office for Slovenians Abroad and co-financed by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska took place from June 9th – 12th, 2011 at the National Park Kozara near Prijedor.
The leader of the first project of this kind in BiH was the Association of Slovenians „Lipa“ Prijedor, and the camp was attended by children of Slovenian origin from Banja Luka and Slatina (Association „Triglav“), Doboj, Tuzla and Prijedor. Organisation and execution of the camp was assisted by Slovenian Congress with their representative Luka Klopčič.

There were approximately 40 children at the camp who took part at activities out in the open during which they learned about customs and culture of Slovenia as well as the National Park Kozara. Active participation was also taken by Valentina Gradič, Slovenian teacher in Doboj, Prijedor, Slatina and Banja Luka. A short lecture was held by Maja Tomašević from the Association „Triglav“ who shared with children her experience during studying in Slovenia and advised them what to do if they want to continue their education in Slovenia.
The children improved their Slovenian, socialised and got to know each other even better.

Slovenian associations hope and wish this event to become traditional where the camp would be hosted by a different association each year.
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