An exhibition of the Mountaineering Association entitled “Life at the Foot of the Mountain Triglav” was opened on Friday, 18 May 2012, on the premises of the Association of Slovenians “Triglav” in Banja Luka.
Visitors to the exhibition enjoyed pleasant atmosphere and programme of the Association of Slovenians “Triglav” and pupils of Supply Teaching Lessons of Slovenian. The programme included presentation of Slovenian mountains led by Triglav which is part of coat-of-arms of Slovenia but also of the Association of Slovenians in Banja Luka. Choir “Davorin Jenko” of the Association of Slovenians presented itself to visitors whereupon pupils of Supply Teaching Lessons of Slovenian made a performance. The programme was led by young pupils Aleksandar Zrnić as Kekec and Aleksandra Špehar as co-presenter. It was by singing and speaking that pupils introduced the exhibition about mountaineering in Slovenia whereas visitors could also watch the beginning of movie Sphinx which thrilled them.
Vice-president of the Association of Slovenians “Triglav” Marija Petković and secretary of the Mountaineering Association of Slovenia Matej Planko briefly addressed the visitors.

Finally, visitors had the opportunity to view the Mountaineering Association of Slovenia’s exhibition “Life at the foot of the Mountain Triglav” in more detail. Not only members of the Association of Slovenians “Triglav” but also other visitors from different mountaineering associations of the Republic of Srpska and BiH were thrilled by the exhibition.

Obiskovalci razstave so lahko v prijetnem vzdušju uživali v programu Društva Slovencev “ Triglav” in učencev dopolnilnega pouka slovenščine. Bistvo programa je bila predstavitev slovenskih gora s Triglavom na čelu, ki ga nosi v svojem grbu tako slovenska država kot Društvo Slovencev v Banjaluki. Na začetku programa se je obiskovalcem predstavil pevski zbor društva Slovencev “Davorin Jenko”, potem pa so nastopili učenci dopolnilnega pouka slovenščine, ki sta jih vodila mlada nadebudna učenca Aleksandar Zrnić kot Kekec in Aleksandra Špehar kot sovoditeljica. S pesmijo in besedo so učenci tako naredili uvod v razstavo, ki govori o planinstvu na Slovenskem, poleg tega pa so si obiskovalci lahko ogledali še začetek filma Sfinga, ki jih je navdušil.
Z nekaj besedami o razstavi sta se k obiskovalcem obrnila še podpredsednica Društva Slovencev “Triglav” Marija Petković in sekretar Planinske zveze Slovencev Matej Planko.

Na koncu pa so lahko obiskovalci uživali še v podrobnem ogledu panojev razstave Življenje pod Triglavom, s katerim se je v Banjaluki predstavila Planinska zveza Slovenije in navdušila tako člane društva kot tudi druge obiskovalce iz raznih planinskih društev Republike Srbske in BiH.

Marina Šopalović

Življenje pod Triglavom.MP4 - YouTube

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