On Saturday, 28 October, Slovenian illustrator Peter Škerl presented his works in Banjaluka to pupils and students of the supply teaching lessons of Slovenian.

On 27 October, on the premises of the National Minorities' Club the exhibition of illustrations was opened and those illustrations were made for George Orwell's Animal Farm. Pupils and students viewed the exhibition, and author spoke about his works. There were also other books on the premises of the Club that he illustrated. Pupils and students could look at them and compare illustrations – bright ones, prevailing in the books Klobuk gospoda Konstantina, Šola ni zame, Kje živijo živali?, Nefertiti, and dark ones, in Močvirniki and O kravi, ki je lajala v luno. 

Peter Škerl led the pupils and students through the fine arts. Each of them received own letter and used watercolours to paint object beginning with that letter. There appeared some very nice works that will be exhibited at traditional Martinovanje.

Visit by Peter Škerl marked 31 October, the Reformation Day. This year we mark 500 years since publishing of the first Slovenian book and therefore marking the day with books was a good opportunity to remember Primož Trubar and his works Abecednik and Katekizem. The end of the next week will also be festive as we will create together with art and music pedagogue Natalija Veselič Martinjak.

Barbara Hanuš