SLOVENIAN DAY IN SLATINA On Saturday, 26th June 2010, the Association of Slovenians “Triglav”, Banja Luka organized the...
SLOVENIAN CULTURAL HOLIDAY Banja Luka, 8.2.2013 This year, we celebrated Slovenian cultural holiday with an exhibition "Slovenian country legends and customs" by author Simon Šubic which was held on the premises of the National Minorities’ Club. ...
SLOVENSKI KULTURNI PRAZNIK - OBVESTILO Kulturni praznik se približuje in tudi letos bomo pripravili prireditev ob njem. Tokrat smo v...
SLOVENIAN CHILDREN FROM BANJA LUKA IN ZAMBRATIJA (taken from the Slovenian Emigrant Association) Association of Slovenian Emigrants together with...
SLOVENSKI PRAVOPIS Glede na to, da je osrednja tema letosnjega mednarodnega dneva maternih jezikov dostopnost knjig,...
SOLEMN EVENT AT PINCE MAROF – BENICA On 13 June 2015, at the invitation of the Association of Primorci and Istrians in Prekmurje together...
PARTICIPATION AT INTERNATIONAL EXPERT CONFERENCE - LJUBLJANA Importance of social activities and international cultural cooperation Ljubljana, 19 June 2014...
SOLISTIČKI KONCERT DEJANA JANKOVIĆA Dejan Janković, učenik škole dodatne nastave slovenačkog jezika i član Tria Fantastico, u...
A SOLO PIANO CONCERT BY DEJAN JANKOVIĆ HELD IN BANSKI DVOR On 7 June 2011, a solo piano concert by Dejan Janković was held in Banja Luka. Dejan is a member of...
SPLETNI TEČAJ SLOVENSKEGA JEZIKA Skupina strokovnjakov z Univerze v Hamburgu je skupaj z zunanjimi sodelavci pripravila spletni...