On Saturday, June 22, 2024, Association of Slovenians of the RS "Triglav" organized the traditional Slovenian Day event in Slatina for the 15th time.

The program was led by our long-time friend Dušan Tomažič, a journalist from Maribor. Mladen Lunić, president of the Association, addressed the audience at the very beginning. He also referred to the fact that our event celebrated a small jubilee, because in 2009 our president at the time, Marija Grbić, suggested that a cultural and entertainment event be held in an open space, which would be called Slovenian Day, and we are already witnessing our presence at this location for the 15th time, which will enter the second century next year, at least when it comes to the area of Slatina and Malo Blaško.

He mentioned that during these 15 years of existence of the event, the Association brought hundreds of guests, artists, singers, musicians, folklorists from: Novo Mesto, Ljubljana, Maribor, Lendava, Umag, Rijeka, Belgrade, Novi Sad, Subotica, Metlika, Trebnje, Ajdovščina, Sežana, Gorica.....
In his speech, he also stated that we tried to be good hosts and that everyone would leave here with good memories of people and places, but also that we should repay everyone who helped us to make the organization of the event successful.

The mayor of Banja Luka, Draško Stanivuković, addressed the audience and said that he was happy to respond to the invitation to attend events organized by national minorities and said that every person is welcomed in Banja Luka with great love and that the City of Banja Luka supports and understands all national minorities. He especially emphasized that he is proud that a large number of national minorities are active in the City of Banja Luka and that, just as a garden is more beautiful with more different flowers in it, so Banja Luka is more beautiful and richer with diverse associations of national minorities.

As the ambassador of Slovenia to Bosnia and Herzegovina was with us this year, H.E. Damijan Sedar, who has been supporting us since his arrival in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was awarded by the Association for his great support to our work, especially in encouraging and preserving Slovenian identity, and for his sincere and friendly relationship towards the members of the Slovenian national minority in the Republic of Srpska, i.e. Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ambassador Sedar addressed the audience and thanked for the recognition and noted that all Slovenian associations have his full support and that Slovenia as a country provides great support to Bosnia and Herzegovina on the way to EU membership.

This year, the cultural program had to be adapted to the weather conditions. The weather was not on our side, so the performances of our guests, the Mixed Choir of the Association of Slovenians "Triglav" from Subotica, Republic of Serbia, and our Mixed Choir "Davorin Jenko" were held under the tent, but neither the heavy rain nor the hail diminished the experience and atmosphere, which provided beautiful Slovenian songs. Unfortunately, due to the wet surface, our folklore group could not perform the two dance sequences they had prepared.

However, despite the bad weather, it was possible to dance to the music of the ensemble "Efekt" from Novo Mesto.

In addition to all the above, we were also accompanied by Branka Bukovec from the Association for the Development of Voluntary Work Novo Mesto, Minister Plenipotentiary at the Embassy of Slovenia in BiH Zvone Žigon, representatives of the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH, representatives of the City of Banja Luka, councilors in the City Assembly of Laktaši, the president of the local community of Slatina, the director of Elementary School "Holandija" Slatina, representatives of the national minority associations of the City of Banja Luka (Ukrainians, Czechs, Poles, Hungarians, Jews, Macedonians, Italians and Montenegrins), representatives of Slovenian associations in BiH (Sarajevo, Prijedor, Kakanj, Zenica), representatives of the Slovenian Association "Martin Krpan" from Smederevo, representatives of the Association of Coastal Inhabitants and Istrians in Prekmurje from Lendava, as well as a large number of members and friends of the "Triglav" Association. The program was accompanied by Draško Ignjatić, editor and presenter of the show "Mala Evropa" on RTRS.

The event was held with the financial support of the Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Slovenians abroad, the City of Banja Luka, the City of Laktaši, the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH and sponsors.

Ana Marjanović