Every year, there is a review of cultural activities of national minorities in Banja Luka. On Friday, 28 September 2012, members of national minorities active in the Republic of Srpska presented themselves to numerous audience, eminent representatives of embassies, consulates, consular offices, a representative of the city administration and representatives of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska.
The attendees were greeted by president of the RS Union of National Minorities Mr. Stevo Havreljuk. As every year, this year also all representatives wanted to show to the audience the culture and customs of their people, through dancing, singing, instrumental performance or appropriate programme. The Association of Slovenians "Triglav" Banja Luka was this time represented by the youngest pupils of the Supply Teaching Lessons of Slovenian. Together with two artists of folk music from Slovenia they sang and played special instruments from all over the world, jumped and showed to the audience a way of specific cultural expression. Maybe many of the attendees did not recognize those specific arts but the presentation of something new is always welcome and especially interesting if performed by the youngest, those for whom taboos do not exist.
This year’s review was a rainbow of beauty, richness and love, everything that is nice which is actually the difference in cultures that each people wish to preserve.
Nataša Kajmaković