Ljubljana is often a destination of trips by members of the Association of Slovenians Triglav, however on this excursion almost everyone saw and learned something new.
On the first day of excursion, Sunday, April 24, we visited the Technical Museum of Slovenia located in the then Carthusian monastery in Bistra near Vrhnika.

We spent most of the time in browsing cars and at the exhibition about sound. Special feature of the temporary exhibition “Almost everything about sound” is the »deaf room«, where visitors can experience an unnatural feeling, caused by almost complete silence, which one cannot experience in nature.

On Monday, April 25, we were received by the principal of Grammar School, where they hosted our students. After the presentation of the Grammar School and joint reading and music lesson, we went for a tour of the city. We started our tour on the Dragon Bridge, continued on Butchers’ Bridge, Triple Bridge, Cobblers’ Bridge … We sensed the pulse of Ljubljana market place and clamour on Prešeren, City and New Squares. We continued by National and University Library, French Revolution Square and all the way to the Plečnik’s house. In his house, we sensed the spirit of the big artist, who left important marks to the city. We also stopped by the Trnovska Church and mentioned France Prešeren. We visited the Križanke outdoor theatre and took Vega’s Street to go back to the Congress square. After lunch, we visited the National and University Library, City Hall and secession Ljubljana, while an electric vehicle Urban took us to the Ljubljana Fortress. We climbed up the observation tower and were happy to have a good view on Mt. Triglav. At Plečnik’s house, National and University Library, in the city centre and fortress we had great guides and heard a lot of interesting stories so everything we experienced that day interconnected in a beautiful mosaic.

On Tuesday, April 26, we visited the Elementary school Zgornji Kašelj, where our pupils were on a visit and it was already time to go home – of course, with inevitable stopping by Novo mesto. Ljubljana, which is titled green capital of Europe this year, left a great impression on all of us. We will not forget the city centre closed for traffic, old and new bridges, colourful squares and cosy nooks along the Ljubljanica River.

Barbara Hanuš