Regional folklore gathering taking place in March and April throughout Slovenia organised by JSKD (Public Fund for Cultural Activities of Slovenia) is intended for the presentation of children, youth and adult folklore groups.

This year, Regional office Novo mesto invited to the gathering all active groups maintaining folklore tradition in our area. This year's gathering included not only the presentation of children but also adult folklore groups.

On 31 March 2017, in the Cultural Centre Janez Trdina in Novo mesto the event titled »TU JE PA ENA LEIPA REIČ« took place during which ten children and adult folklore groups presented their work to numerous visitors. Among 200 performers there was also Children folklore group of the Association of the Slovenians of the RS Triglav Banjaluka.

Following the end of the programme the JSKD presented acknowledgements and thank-you notes.
Children folklore group of the Association of Slovenians Triglav Banja Luka and their choreographer Predrag Savić received the acknowledgement for performance – Dances of Gorenjska.

The JSKD presented a thank-you note for the participation at the regional gathering 2017 to the Children folklore group of the Association of Slovenians Triglav Banja Luka and project leaders Marija Grbić and Branka Bukovec.
The headliner of the event »TU JE PA ENA LEIPA REIČ« was Tomaž Simetinger.
It was an honour for Children folklore group and the Association of Slovenians Triglav Banja Luka to take part in the event.

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