On Friday evening, October 25, 2019, the Association of Slovenians of RS Triglav organized a literary evening in cooperation with the DRPD from Novo Mesto. The guest of the evening was Jadranka Matić Zupančič, a poet from Novo Mesto, with whom Suzana Krvavica spoke.

After graduating Croatian language and comparative literature in her native Croatia, Jadranka Matić Zupančič moved to Novo Mesto over 40 years ago and got a job as a librarian at the Miran Jarec Library. Visitors to the literary evening got to know her life stations, a career closely related to the art of words, and her work in many literary fields, such as translating contemporary Slovenian poetry into Croatian, mentoring young writers, participating in poetry competitions, festivals and projects. Visitors listened with great interest to her memory of her youth in Karlovac (she also spent half a year in Kakanj) and her experience of bilingualism.

Jadranka Matić Zupančič's greatest love is, of course, poetry, which she writes in both Croatian and Slovenian. At the literary evening, the latest, fifth collection of poems, entitled Sound Tapestry, was presented. The poems are written in Croatian, while the second part of the collection contains translations by Nataša Petrov into Slovenian. The author and the moderator read some poems in both languages, and the evening was accompanied by two solo flutes performed by Sofia Koščica and Kristina Kasagić, students of the Secondary Music School in Banja Luka. The festive program was followed by a pleasant socialising of participants and visitors.

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