We have cooperated with the library Anton Tomaž Linhart from Radovljica for many years. We visited them in Radovljica, and our pupils and students took part at their event A Night with Andersen, and we have also been included in the programme encouraging reading Library – University of Treasure.

On Thursday evening (22 November), in almost full hall of the Cultural Centre, the latest two-volume novel by author Zdravko Kecman “Trumpeter of the Soča Front” was presented.

As part of the EU-funded project United in Variety in which Association Triglav also participated, an art and photo competition »My home is also part of Europe« was published.

Since 2015 more than 15 grammar schools in Slovenia have been involved in the project Collage for Youth through the Public Fund for Cultural Activities Novo mesto. Since last year, the Grammar School (Gimnazija) in Banjaluka has also been involved in the project via Association of Slovenians Triglav Banjaluka – a partner on the project.

National and University Library Banjaluka, 19 October 2018
A small exhibition of graphic art was opened in the National and University Library Banjaluka presenting two unique graphic maps. At the same time, Grammar School from Novo mesto donated several books to the Library in Slovenian that will be available to readers of Slovenian books.