The second session of the Council of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Slovenians Abroad was held on Monday, 7 July 2008.

The session was attended by permanent members of the Council: Stane J. Kranjc from Canada, Ivan Kamin and Milan Ribič from the USA, Tone Mizerit and Dr Andrej Fink from Argentina, Martin Črnugelj from Brazil, Igor Horvat from France, Janez Pucelj from Germany, Milan Breberina from Serbia, Peter Mandelj and Florjan Auser from Australia, Urška Kupec from China and president of our Association, Mrs. Marija Grbić, as the representative from Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition, the session was attended by Dr Janez Janša, Prime Minister of Slovenia, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, Dr Milan Zver, Minister of Education and Sport of Slovenia, Mr. Zorko Pelikan, State Secretary, and Marjan Terpin from the Slovenian World Congress /Svetovni slovenski kongres/.
The session addressed the implementation of the Work Programme of the Council, and reports were delivered concerning the state of affairs and problems of Slovenian communities abroad. A delighting fact is that there is an increasing number of young people actively participating in many Slovenian associations. Priority task for all Slovenians abroad is to learn and preserve the Slovenian language. The attendees stated it was necessary to get more media attention which would contribute to the familiarisation in mother country with the work of Slovenian communities abroad.
In addition to the information about setting up a Centre for Slovenian Studies, Slovenian Museum and Archive in Cleveland, simplifying procedures of granting scholarships to young Slovenians abroad, and financial assistance to Slovenian business clubs, Prime Minister Janša informed the attendees about the upload of the new web portal for Slovenians abroad. Subsequently, he extended his gratitude for the participation in the work on the Strategy on relations between the Republic of Slovenia and Slovenians living abroad, and invited the attendees to give their proposals and remarks, and thereby assist in adopting the programme part of the Strategy. Finally, he invited the members of the Council to address the Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Slovenians Abroad or the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in case they have any questions or problems.