»Height makes me dizzy, hide me in your palm,
your soft palm, your warm palm…«

Those two verses by Vlado Kreslin will remain in the memory of us, students of supply teaching lessons of Slovenian from Banja Luka. With those verses, students of Grammar School (Gimnazija) Novo mesto hosted us in a pleasant manner. And honestly, we did feel a bit dizzy from the beautiful events we experienced…
Together with our teacher Valentina Gradič and escort Maja Tomašević we visited Slovenia from 5-7 May 2011.

»The tour« started in Novo mesto where we were received by our hosts and their mentor and teacher Suzana Krvavica. We went for a joint tour of the city on the Krka River and archaeological and ethnological collection of the Museum of Dolenjska.
The next day was reserved for the visit to Kostanjevica, Pleterje and Otočec. During the visit we had the opportunity to learn about history of the places and the way of living of their inhabitants. We, the students, not only listened and watched but also had a practical part of the visit. For example, it was very interesting for us to make clay roosters. Some of us succeeded and some did not but we all enjoyed it.
On the last day, Saturday, we visited the capital of Slovenia – Ljubljana. We were all thrilled to see Plečnik’s architecture, while on Plečnik’s Šuštarski bridge we sang a song we had learned earlier – “Čez Šustarski most”.
Given that we learned a lot about Slovenia and its culture during the school year in Banja Luka, in this way we ascertained our knowledge. This was a very important cultural experience for all of us in a very broad sense – we learned a lot about history and culture about our Slovenian ancestors while we managed to improve our Slovenian in contact with pleasant peers from Novo mesto.

Nikolina Čenić