6 February 2014, »Prešeren’s Days«  National Minorities Club
The Slovenian Emigrant’s Association and the Association of Slovenians Triglav Banja Luka organised a two-day cultural programme on the occasion of 8 February, Slovenian cultural holiday. Programme took place on Thursday, 6 February 2014, on the premises of the National Minorities Club in Banja Luka, and Friday, 7 February 2014, in the City Theatre Jazavac.

On Thursday, 6 February 2014, musician and singer-songwriter Lado Jakša, theatre actress Nina Ivanič and theatre actor Jernej Kuntner presented a multi-vision play "Heaven under the Mountain Triglav". It is a music event and recital, accompanied by photographic projection. Music and photographs were the responsibility of Lado Jakša, during which Jernej Kuntner and Nina Ivanič recited poems by Slovenian poets from Vodnik to Kocbek. Music, composed by Lado Jakša, was performed alive on keyboard, while certain segments Jakša would supplement on saxophone and clarinet. While listening to music and recital the listener is introduced to the projection of photographs of Slovenian land, which is supplementing music with topic and motives. Young students of supply teaching lessons of Slovenian were rather interested in the programme and recitals. Programme, which lasted 35 minutes, did not leave anyone indifferent.

Project by Lado Jakša "HEAVEN UNDER THE MOUNTAIN TRIGLAV" is at the same time both concert performance of author’s jazz and ambient music, modern shaped photographic multi-vision, showing magic of Slovenian land and offering dual aesthetic experience of inventive acoustic adventure and artistic photograph.

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