On 13 and 14 May 2017 a gathering of pupils and students of supply teaching lessons of the Slovenian language and culture was organised in Sarajevo.

Gatherings of pupils and students learning Slovenian in BiH are traditional and this year was the 18th time it was organised. Organisers were Union of Slovenian Associations in BiH Europe Now and Slovenian Cultural Association Cankar, while in the preparation of the programme there also participated Mateja Kregar, teacher of supply teaching lessons of Slovenian in Sarajevo, Kakanj and Zenica. There gathered pupils and students from Sarajevo, Banjaluka, Slatina, Prijedor, Teslić, Tuzla, Zenica and Kakanj, as well as members of the Association of Slovenians Kredarica from Novi Sad.

There was enough space in hotel Saraj for relaxed atmosphere, for workshops and evening party in the disco. There was a great view from the rooms to the Miljacka River and City Hall, in which the National and University Library is situated.

Sarajevo is the home of many Slovenians and diligent members of the Association facilitated art and creative workshop and colouring workshop. Pupils and students participated at music and dance workshop, facilitated by Davorka Drijenčić-Špringer, president of the Slovenian Association of Citizens Jožef Špringer Kakanj, and drama workshop, facilitated by Pavel Ocepek, lector for Slovenian at the Faculty of Philosophy of Sarajevo. Pupils and students mainly opted for art and creative workshop where they made jewellery cases. The wall was wet so climbing, unfortunately, was cancelled but pupils and students watched movies about climbing and got familiar with sport equipment. Each group presented their work before the dinner.

On Saturday, pupils and students socialised in the hotel, and on Sunday we toured the city. One of the main sightseeing spots in Sarajevo is Baščaršija, we visited typical shops, while before our departure we had lunch – ćevapi. Hosts prepared pendants for all the guests – in the shape of gold fish. Perhaps three wishes will come true or they will only serve as memory of the gathering in Sarajevo.

Barbara Hanuš