February 8th is a Slovenian cultural holiday, the day we remember the death of the Slovenian poet France Prešeren. Exactly 170 years have passed since his death, and his words are still alive today.
In the period of romance, Slovenian literature reached one of its peaks. France Prešeren has shown that in the Slovenian language it is possible to express the deepest thoughts and feelings.
We celebrated the cultural holiday in Banja Luka with the opening of the exhibition The Journey of a Book - from Author to Reader. The traveling exhibition shows us the process of creating a book, and brochures and posters were prepared and published by the Public Agency for the Book of the Republic of Slovenia in cooperation with the Society of Readers of Slovenia. The exhibition was opened at the National and University Library of Republika Srpska. Berislav Blagojevic greeted the guests on behalf of the library, and Mladen Bubonjić on behalf of the Association of Slovenians Triglav.
Students of supply teaching lessons of Slovenian prepared a short programme, we heard the songs of Kajetan Kovič, Anja Štefan and Tone Pavček. High school students and adults concluded the show with the seventh verse of Prešeren’s poem Zdravljica - the text of the Slovenian anthem. France Prešeren expressed his desire for freedom, equality, fraternity and mutual respect among all people in the poem and it is worth repeating this message. We heard the poem in Slovene, Serbian, English, German and Russian.
The exhibition was opened by our guests from Slovenia: the authors of the comic book The Journey of a Book - from Author to Reader, writer Žiga X. Gombač and illustrator David Krančan and Tjaša Urankar, expert advisor in the field of reading culture at the Public Agency for the Book of the Republic of Slovenia and the leader of the project The Journey of a Book. Visitors, who filled the hall, looked at the exhibition with interest, and were delighted with a book worm, which encouraged young readers to read, and enjoyed a relaxed conversation with guests.
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