16 – 18. avgusta 2024.

Od početka godine pažljivo pripremamo našu prvu samostalnu planinarsku akciju u Sloveniji. To je akcija koja treba obilježiti godinu dana rada naše mlade planinarske sekcije, a poklopila se sa 100-godišnjicom Triglavskog nacionalnog parka.

This year too, our Association participated in the traditional gathering of Slovenian emigrants from all over the world, which has been organized in the Republic of Slovenia since 1988, and which in recent years has been known as "Welcome Home".

On Saturday, June 22, 2024, Association of Slovenians of the RS "Triglav" organized the traditional Slovenian Day event in Slatina for the 15th time.

After last year's participation, the Association of Slovenians of the RS "Triglav" Banjaluka was invited to participate again from June 7 to 9, 2024 in the camp in the Manastirska Rampa Ecological Village in Kovin, organized by the Association of Slovenians "Martin Krpan" Smederevo.

The invitation to participate in the minestrone soup festival in Lendava, sent to us by our friends from Coastal area and Istria from Prekmurje, was a real challenge for the members of the mountaineering section of our association. We signed up with joy because, knowing the hosts, we were sure that it would be an interesting and cheerful gathering, and we would also try our culinary skills.