“He who knows how to listen will be heard!”- Duo Ponte
On Friday, 26 February 2016, numerous audience enjoyed the concert of Duo Ponte in the National Theatre of the Republic of Srpska in Banja Luka.

12 February 2016

On the occasion of marking the Slovenian cultural holiday the Prešeren’s Day, a successful literary evening of Slovenian-Serbian poetry was held in the Cultural Centre Banski dvor, on 12 February 2016. Organisers of the evening, Association of Slovenians Triglav Banja Luka, Association of Writers of the Republic of Srpska and Cultural Centre Banski dvor, managed this time to host quite a number of audience at such an event.

The Public Institute for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia gave recognition awards for lifetime and exquisite achievements in the field of amateur culture. Silver plaque at yesterday’s ceremony in Ljubljana was received by secretary of the Association for the Development of Voluntary Work Novo mesto, Branka Bukovec. Congratulations!