Secondary school students and adults are divided into four groups and the oldest student is 74. Each group has got its dynamics, characteristics and when they all gather together, fifty of them, including older and younger ones, dedicating their free time to studying Slovenian and getting familiar with Slovenian culture, this Thursday, 9 June, was really magnificent.

The school year has ended, and on Wednesday, 8 June, we awarded the children and youth with certificates and commendations for attending lessons. Among forty pupils regularly attending lessons in Banja Luka and Slatina, there were two who are only to start with their education in autumn. Pupils received commendations and book awards for readers badge and for their participation in the project Library – Universe of Treasure.

Seventh regular and electoral assembly meeting of the Association of the Slovenians of the Republic of Srpska "Triglav" was held on 31 May 2016, commencing at 19.00hrs, on the premises of the National Minorities Club, Banja Luka.

All those learning Slovenian in BiH socialised on 21 and 22 May in Laktaši near Banja Luka. Gathering of students and pupils have already become traditional and this year it was held for the 17th time.

Slovenian Cultural Association “Cankar” of Sarajevo was the host and organizer of the gathering of Slovenian choirs, under the auspices of the Office of the Government of Republic of Slovenia for Slovenians Abroad and as part of the project by Union of Slovenian Associations in BiH “Europe Now”.

International literary evenings Banja Luka Poetry Evenings “ATLAS EVROPSKE LIRIKE” were opened on 13 May in the National and University Library of Republic of Srpska presenting Slovenian poetry.

Ljubljana is often a destination of trips by members of the Association of Slovenians Triglav, however on this excursion almost everyone saw and learned something new.
On the first day of excursion, Sunday, April 24, we visited the Technical Museum of Slovenia located in the then Carthusian monastery in Bistra near Vrhnika.